SA Schools Squash

  • To promote, advance, encourage and foster the game of Squash in all Primary and High Schools throughout South Africa.
  • To operate and function as the authority for the management, control, development and administration of the game of Squash and of all school going squash players within the area of jurisdiction of SA Schools Squash, male or female, without any discrimination whatsoever on the grounds of race, colour or religion.
  • To promote and encourage the promotion and holding of squash competitions and championships by the Members of S A Schools Squash and to assist in the conduct thereof if needs be.
  • To aid, assist and generally promote the interests of its Members.
  • To raise funds as it may deem fit, to administer such funds as herein provided, to make such payments from such funds as may be necessary, to carry out the objects of SA Schools Squash including grants and loans to Members, payment to Member teams and officials representing SA Schools Squash at authorized tournaments, functions and events and to make donations to approved causes or persons.
  • To publish brochures, journals or publications and to conclude arrangements with other persons in order to publicise the activities of SA Schools Squash and its Members and to disseminate matters of interest to Members and to the learner members thereof.
  • To formulate and prescribe rules of conduct and etiquette to be observed by all the Members of SA Schools Squash and to take such steps as may be necessary to ensure that these are observed.
  • To ensure that the highest code of discipline such as would be consistent to control the activities of school going children and the finest degree of sportsmanship shall be observed by all learners who might participate in the game of Squash, and to act against unfair and unsporting practices and corruption.
  • Generally to further safeguard the interests of SA Schools Squash and its Members and to take such steps as are deemed necessary or expedient for this purpose.